- These are heart defects, and anomalies in the development of the kidneys, and maxillofacial pathology.
- These diseases significantly complicate the already difficult basic diagnosis.
- The identification of the Dandy Walker anomaly in the fetus puts potential parents before a choice - to terminate the pregnancy or give birth to a child with an incurable pathology.
- In this situation it is difficult to advise anything.
- However, when deciding to prolong pregnancy, it should be remembered that a sick baby will need the help of parents all his life.
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And since with the Dandy Walker syndrome the prognosis of uroxatral pills of a child is very problematic, it is necessary to take such a responsible decision with all seriousness. Video from YouTube on the topic of the article. The information is generalized and is provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illnesssee a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous to health! Dandy-Walker syndrome is a severe malformation of the brain. This congenital anomaly in children is characterized by underdevelopment or hypoplasia of the cerebellar vermis, cystic lesions of the fourth ventricle, and expansion of the posterior cranial fossa. Dandy-Walker syndrome is a complex symptom complex caused by a congenital malformation of the brain, formed during embryogenesis and characterized by a severe course. The pathology is based on the simultaneous defeat of the most important brain structures.
- Hypoplasia of the cerebellum is characterized by a decrease in its size and a decrease in function.
- Perhaps its complete absence. The expansion of the ventricles of the brain is due to buy uroxatral online cysts or tumors.
- These signs of pathology are always combined with hydrocephalic changes, which are not manifestations, but complications of the syndrome.
The inferiority of the CSF pathways leads to the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles, which normally should be removed from the brain. Its pathological accumulation contributes to the development of dropsy of the brain, manifested by signs of hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome. Due to the constant pressure of the cerebrospinal fluid, the expansion of the bones of the skull begins. Dandy-Walker syndrome is accompanied by multiple malformations of the internal organs. heart, blood vessels, kidneys, bones.
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The syndrome was discovered by American surgeons Dandy in 1921 and Walker in 1944. The disease occurs more often in girls than in boys. In newborns, the cranium expands rapidly, psychomotor development slows down, signs of hydrocephalic syndrome, intracranial hypertension, damage to the cerebellum and cranial nerves appear. Almost every patient has associated anomalies. hypoplasia of the corpus callosum, congenital heart defects, atypical structure of the facial skeleton.
Pathology can be diagnosed even at the stage of alfuzosin. Sonographic signs of the disease are usually detected by specialists in the second trimester during a planned ultrasound. As the fetus develops, ultrasound indicators become more pronounced. The following signs testify in favor of the Dandy-Walker syndrome. brain cysts, cerebellar hypotrophy, ventriculomegaly. Abnormal fetal development detected by ultrasound is a reason for artificial termination of pregnancy.
The causes of the syndrome are currently unknown. There are several medical assumptions regarding the etiological factors of the disease. One of the theories tells about the primary underdevelopment of brain structures, the other about increased secretion of cerebrospinal fluid during embryogenesis. All other etiopathogenetic hypotheses are less popular and implausible. The formation of the Dandy-Walker malformation is associated with the presence of the following pathologies.
Syringomyelia, Absence of the corpus callosum, Pathology of the cerebellum, Infection or occlusion of the CSF channels, Abnormal enlargement of the ventricles of the brain, Cysts and tumors. Compression of brain structures leads to buy alfuzosin pills. The skull is enlarged in the occipital and frontal plane. In the first two months of life, head circumference grows most intensively. In newborns, there is a divergence of the sutures on the skull and thinning of its bones.